At Link & Learn, we're rewriting the rules of education, breaking down barriers, and redefining what it means to learn. Our ethos is simple: learning without walls. We believe in empowering every student on their unique educational journey, transcending traditional boundaries and embracing a holistic approach to learning. With our innovative and supportive methods, we foster academic growth, personal well-being, and resilience in every learner. Our commitment to inclusivity means that every student, regardless of circumstance or ability, receives the tailored guidance and resources they deserve. Join us in creating a thriving ecosystem of lifelong learners, where education is not just accessible but enriching, collaborative, and transformative. Welcome to a new era of holistic education at Link & Learn.


  • Personalised Learning: Tailored plans addressing unique academic needs, specialised interventions, and enrichment activities for comprehensive student progress.
  • Holistic Support: One-on-one mentoring, collaborative planning with school staff, and well-being programmes fostering emotional and social development.
  • Rehabilitative Education: Tailored programmes for youth offenders, pupil referral units, and individuals in correctional facilities, using education and coaching for positive reintegration and personal growth.
  • Well-being Focus: Certified mental health professionals offering regular counselling, stress management workshops, and resilience coaching.
  • Expert Teaching Team: Educators with diverse expertise, including safeguarding, working with vulnerable students, SEND, LAC, ASD.
  • Progress Assessments: Detailed reports, portfolios, and regular assessments involving students, parents, and school staff to ensure programme effectiveness.
  • Exam Support: Guidance and preparation for external exams, collaboration with examination boards, and regular mock exams for exam readiness.
  • EAL Integration: Customised language support programmes, cultural awareness sessions, inclusive learning environments, and EAL/ESOL trained teachers for smooth transitions and community building.



Committed to inclusivity, we break down barriers to provide accessible, quality education.
Our platform offers subject-specific classes, interactive learning, expert moderation, and flexible scheduling, fostering peer accountability. Reducing isolation and boosting confidence, we aim to level the playing field. Recognising that traditional schooling may not suit everyone, our goal is to make education an opportunity for all to thrive academically.


Our team is committed to eradicating stigma and nurturing an environment where open discussions thrive. Through effective strategies, coaching, and resources, we equip students with the skills to tackle life's hurdles. Our sessions and workshops go beyond immediate concerns, focusing on building resilience and encouraging self-reflection. By normalising well-being conversations, we empower students to take charge of their mental health, laying the groundwork for a brighter, more confident future.


At Link & Learn, we believe in empowering students to take control of their educational journey. We foster accountability, encouraging students to set and achieve their goals for success.
Our goal is to cultivate a community of lifelong learners where education serves as the building block for personal growth. We see education as a powerful tool for rehabilitation and reintegration, providing the skills and mindset necessary for a positive future.